New Here?

We know what that feels like! When to show up, where to park, what to wear to church, what about my kids? Take a deep breath… we’ll fill you in.

What type of church is Novio?

Imagine an international café in the city centre of Nijmegen. Young and old together, languages everywhere, old acquaintances, friendly faces and everyone enjoying a drink… Swap drinks for Jesus and that’s us! Our church services are contemporary, done in a mixture of English and Dutch, to make both locals and the nations feel at home.

Take a Peek!

Do you not normally go to church? Trying to figure out what it is all about? Feel free to come and take a peek at Novio Church. Our services are easily accessible and especially geared to help you make sense of this thing called church. You can ask any questions, or just have a little peek from the back row to observe. Come and visit us any time you are in Nijmegen!

What do we believe?

grace filled

No one can earn God’s favour, but through Jesus we may freely receive it.

word based

 The Bible is God’s word and we live by its instructions.

spirit empowered

 The Holy Spirit is God living with us, guiding us and leading us with his spiritual gifts.

When are the church services?

Every Sunday from 10:00 at ‘Thiemeloods’ Leemptstraat 34, 6512 EN Nijmegen.

Parking is available in the nearby streets and free until 12.00. We start with coffee and tea. The service ends around 12:00.

What should I wear?

Some come casual to church, others like to dress up. Go onesies for all we care —it’s all good!

What happens when I arrive?

It’s our aim to put a friendly smile in your path as you enter church and point you in the right direction.

Extroverts, grab a cuppa and say hi to some of our people. Introverts grab a cuppa and find a seat if you’d rather. We understand. Drinks are available from 10.00, service start at 10:30. 

What about my kids?

Bring them! We love children and families at Novio Church. We make our services easily accessible for all ages. During the talk there is a kids club for toddlers and primary aged childen. Also, a special zone for parents with babies is set up in case they need some space to move around and make some noice.

What is a church service like?

We love Fun. We sing about Jesus, with joy, love and good music.

We love Real. People will share real life stories and encouragements.

We love Family. We don’t use difficult words and kids are provided with their own space to connect.

We love Jesus. We open up the bible together to learn more about him and becoming like him.

We love Hope. We often include a time of response and prayer.

How can I meet others and connect?

Stick around afterwards for a cup of coffee and meet others who can tell you what it’s really like at Novio Church. Also we regularly host a welcome lunch where you can get to know our leadership team, ask questions, and see how you can get involved & connected.

See you soon!

So, now we’ve got all the details out the way. Come and find us!

We look forward to welcoming you.


Sunday Service

Leemptstraat 34
6512 EN Nijmegen